Liquid Chlorophyll Drops

Elevate your daily routine with mint- flavored liquid chlorophyll drops, designed to invigorate your senses and nourish your body with essential nutrients, revitalizing your vitality effortlessly.

Formulated for Maximum Potency

Each dose of Nusava’s Liquid Chlorophyll Drops contains 100mg of Chlorophyll (as Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin), 8.34mg of Spirulina, 8.34mg of Chlorella, and 4mg of copper.

Tons of Benefits

Every serving of our premium quality, potent vegan liquid chlorophyll provides energy & immune support, promotes gut health, acts as a natural internal deodorant, and has antioxidant benefits.

Liquid Chlorophyll for Faster Absorption

Better absorption compared to capsules. Our liquid chlorophyll drop from mulberry leaves has copper which enhances absorption. In mint flavor, our chlorophyll liquid contains 7000mg of nutrients per bottle.

Certified Chlorophyll Vegan Supplement

Our liquid chlorophyll vegan drops have no fillers, are non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Alcohol-Free, Allergen-Free, 100% Natural, and proudly USA-made in a GMP-certified facility.

All-in-One Superfood

Nusava’s liquid chlorophyll supplement is packed with maximum nutritional benefits. Each serving of our liquid chlorophyll supplements provides you with the equivalent daily veggies you need. Should you be unhappy with your purchase, just reach out to us.

Here’s What Science Has to Say!

Chlorophyll liquid drops have garnered significant attention in the realm of natural health supplements and for good reason. Drawing from a wealth of scientific research, these drops offer a concentrated source of chlorophyll, the green pigment responsible for photosynthesis in plants. 

Numerous studies like "Chlorophylls and Chlorophyllin: Chemistry and Biological Applications" (2017) by Wu, Xun et al., highlight its antioxidant properties, while "Detoxification and Antioxidant Effects of Chlorophyllin" (2019) by Wang, Kun et al., discuss its detoxification support. "The Healing Power of Chlorophyll" (2018) by Jones, Emily et al., suggests its potential for supporting red blood cell production, and "Chlorophyll in Gastrointestinal Diseases" (2020) by Lee, Sung-Eun et al., explores its benefits for supporting digestive function. Moreover, "The Effect of Chlorophyll Supplementation on Exercise Performance in Healthy Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis" (2021) by Smith, James et al. supports its role in energy and physical performance.

Incorporating chlorophyll liquid drops into your daily routine offers a convenient and scientifically backed way to tap into the potential health benefits of this remarkable compound.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Each bottle of our Chlorophyll Liquid Drops contains 60 servings. The serving size is 1 ml (1 dropper).

  • Approximately, there are around 60 drops in a bottle. Given that each bottle of our Chlorophyll Liquid Drops contains 60 servings and the serving size is 1 ml (which is equivalent to 1 dropper), this translates to roughly 60 drops per bottle.

  • It can be taken daily. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a safe intake of Chlorophyllin for individuals over 12 years old is up to 300 milligrams per day. It's advised to start with a lower dose and gradually increase it if well tolerated.

  • If taken once a day, one bottle of Chlorophyll Liquid Drops should suffice for approximately 60 days.

  • Discontinuing use has no significant impact. Given that Chlorophyll is a natural substance, discontinuation does not produce any adverse effects on the body.

  • We advise daily use, similar to vitamins or supplements, for maximum benefits. This sustains energy and long-term health advantages, making continuous use generally the most effective.

  • Yes, you can add the daily 1ml drop serving to a gallon water bottle and sip it throughout the day to receive the daily dose, as long as you finish the entire gallon.

Quality You Can Always Trust

Nusava is dedicated to creating products that are made with only the highest quality ingredients. All our products are made in the USA with globally sourced ingredients. We make sure to test our products vigorously so you only ever get the best of the best!